Checkbox and radios

Default bootstrap examples.

Group checkboxes or radios on the same horizontal row by adding .form-check-inline to any .form-check.

Checkbox within a .form-control

Change checkbox position to the opposite side with the .custom-radio-reverse modifier.

Input group break

Long contents don't fit in small screens? Use .input-group-{breakpoint}-down-break modifier classes to break horizontal alignment and keep the same style in vertical order. Reduce browser size to see it in action.

Vertical example:

Checkbox bookmark

Checkbox switch

Use button sizes for sizes and border radius utility classes for shapes.

Checkbox card

Basic example:

Use .custom-checkbox-card-label-stretched next to a .custom-checkbox-card-label class to make the whole containing block clickable via a ::after pseudo element. In most cases, this means that a .custom-checkbox-card class with position: relative; that contains a link with the .custom-checkbox-card-label-stretched class is clickable.

Checkbox list


Replace a standard checkbox input with a toggle switch.


Use .toggle-switch-sm for a smaller size.

Validation states

It provides valuable, actionable feedback to your users with HTML5 form validation.